Before You Open Your Bible…
Here's the thing I believe is the downfall of most Bible reading.
And that works for the most part. Until you run into something that doesn't make sense, seems to contradict something else you read, or makes you question everything you thought you knew about our Creator.
The more I understand and study this crazy, intense, and intentionally designed book, the more I'm blown away.
Here are some things that will set you up to be more interpretative of the text rather than just taking it at face value.
1- Start Fresh.
We don't realize that when we sit down to read anything (even news articles or Facebook posts), we come PRELOADED with ideas, thoughts, or past experiences that color how we understand things. This fact is non-disputed science. Our beliefs and how we perceive things are hardwired into our brains and are hard to change. If we cannot push aside these preconceived ideas, we will never see the text as intended to be read.
Try to focus on reading with fresh eyes. For example, take a scripture that you've heard over and over. You may think you understand the meaning but hold that thought. You may be surprised that what you thought it meant may not mean what the author's intended meaning for their specific audience in a particular time and place.
First, be willing to have your perspective shift when you open your Bible; don't try to read Scripture to prove your point. Second, decide now to read Scripture to learn more about who your God is.
2- Find a Translation You Understand
I remember the first time I read another translation other than the NIV (New International Version.) My parents bought me a Student Bible, the NLT (New Living Translation), as a teenager. It was a GAME-CHANGER for me. Where once I had thought of the Bible as dull, the text was now talking to me slightly differently. Just enough to grab and hold my attention. Not only that, but it was full of notes in the margins and even sidenotes in the text, filling in history, culture, or parallel passages to help me fill in the blanks.
Remember, when you begin looking into different translations or versions of the Bible, you may become overwhelmed. (There are a TON out there...). Fret not! I can give you a couple of options that will help you determine which route to go.
Difference Between Translations and Versions
You must first understand that the Bible was written in several languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek). The first translation into English was by John Wycliff in 1382 (over 500 years before I was born!) Can you imagine that moment, though? To read about the Savior in your own language? And this is still going on around the world today. (Check out Pioneer Bible Translators and Wycliffe Bible Translators!)
When a translator takes a text and translates it into another language, they can either translate the text "word for word" or "thought for thought." On the graphic below, some versions are almost word for word what is in the original text, and other translations take what is in the original text and try to match the text's thought, voice, or emotion.
Which Bible Translation Should I Choose? Graphic by the Behold Collective
I honestly prefer having several different versions/translations open while intently studying a passage. But when I just want to lean into the words and allow them to speak to me? I choose a translation that has emotion and tone built into the text. It seems to bring them to life for me. One fantastic resource is the YouVersion Bible app. You can jump between translations with just a click.
A couple of translations/versions that I recommend? If you're leaning toward the "word for word" versions, pick up the NASB (New American Standard Bible) or the ESV (English Standard Version.) (These versions have the word BEHOLD in them. And you know how much we love that word!) For the middle of the road? Definitely, grab the NIV (New International Version.). Do you want to aim towards finding a translation that tries to capture the original author's thoughts? Then, reach for the NLT (New Living Translation.) When I'm helping someone determine which version they prefer, the NLT is usually the one they land on. It's a very clean and understandable translation and reads in contemporary English.
With any translation you land upon, if you love reading insight into the text, find yourself a Study Bible. They have these in almost every translation and version. What I love about Study Bibles is that nearly HALF of each page is FOOTNOTES. As I'm a huge nerd, the more notes, the better. Ha! The notes here are chock full of original language insight and cultural/historical insight. Below is a graphic comparing several translations and versions of the same verse. Notice their differences and similarities!
Whatever version or translation you decide upon, get ready to have the lights come on in a way you've never seen before. Imagery will come alive, and stories will dance off the page.
3- Start a Little Digging.
Okay, now you're thinking... wait- research? It's a lot simpler than it sounds.
Before reading, you must understand what the author was trying to communicate. So, start by looking at the area's culture, time, history, and people involved (author, audience, and bystanders.) This kind of information is easily found sometimes in the Bible you're holding (look in the footnotes or in the introduction section of each book of the Bible.) If your Bible doesn't have these options, it may be wise to invest in one. I've bought several study Bibles from These options can help you immediately bring the story to life.
When you finally sit down to read the passage, imagine yourself as one of the original people to whom it was written. How would they have felt to read the passage for the first time? Would they have known the author? Would they have met Jesus? Putting yourself in their "sandals" will likely help you determine what the book's author was trying to communicate in these exact passages.
If you can nail down what the audience would have felt, you're more likely to begin to understand where the author was coming from. Was the author describing a historical timeline? Were they trying to guide the audience into knowing how to share about the Kingdom?
And now? You're ready to open your Bible.