The Goodness of God: In the Prophets
There are mornings when I open my Bible out of obedience and routine. I know I need to be in it—and deep down, I want to be in it—but like the words of Ezekiel, my bones are dry.
It happened today.
I had something I knew I needed to deal with, but my want-to just wasn’t up-to it. I considered King David’s repentant words in Psalm 51 (a frequent flier in my own battle with sin) but found myself in Ezekiel 37 instead. Can I just tell you how much I love those first 14 verses?
The Goodness of God: In the Psalms
Something I've struggled with since becoming a believer is seeing God's goodness. I find it funny that The Behold Collective is in a series about God's goodness but it's the most blurred in my life. I've texted my mentors about 30 times since moving about how hard college is and how exhausted I am. God knows exactly what he's doing. Through studying for this blog, I have read scriptures that give me deja vu. I have felt these emotions before; I have cried out to God in these ways before, but my good, good God has also always answered in these ways before. I challenge you to view the Psalms the same way. How can this reflect your life and your lament?
The Goodness of God: The Book of Numbers
Praying for the salvation of others is probably one of the most noble prayers any disciple of Jesus could pray. But often, we pray, and pray, and pray, and we don't see any movement towards God for those we lift in prayer.
My husband, Michael, and I have been praying for our children's salvation since birth. God blessed us with three marvelous and unforgettable sons but never a biological daughter. In the naming of our sons, Michael and I could never agree on what their names were. Still, we immediately landed on our daughter's name before our firstborn was even born: Alice Elizabeth. After having 3 sons in synchrony, I was told that we could no longer have any more biological children. I was okay with that, as the pregnancy was complicated for me, but saddened at the thought of never having a daughter with my high left cheek dimple.
The Goodness of God: Leviticus
I am that crazy person that loves the book of Leviticus. The book of Leviticus, often seen as a detailed manual of laws and rituals, holds hidden gems that invite us into a deeper relationship with God. One such gem is the word “Behold” (Hebrew: hinneh, Strong’s H2009). While this word might seem small or inconsequential in our English translations, in the original Hebrew, it carries significant weight—a divine call to stop, pay attention, and fully engage in what God is about to reveal.
Behold! A New Thing!
But as the preacher continued on, his words, direct from the Holy Spirit, washed over me. And the thought that popped into my head was, “Pay attention, Meg!”