The Goodness of God: In the Epistles
I had been battling debilitating headaches for months. I went through testing and tried medication. When relief and answers didn’t come, I was scheduled for an MRI. Those results did not come back with good news. I was diagnosed with a brain tumor in January 2000 and scheduled to see a neurologist immediately. When this situation came into my life, I was a brand-new believer. I had not yet experienced the goodness of God in a way that allowed me to trust Him fully. I didn’t know for sure that He would walk through whatever was to come in the days and weeks ahead. I was fortunate to have people in my life who pointed me to God during this season. I was surrounded by encouragement, support, and love. While I couldn’t understand why I was walking through this diagnosis, I fully experienced His presence and peace.
Paul wrote his letters to the early churches in the Bible for various reasons. These are filled with encouragement, instruction, and clarity.