The Goodness of God: John & Revelation
When we speak of God’s goodness in our lives, how often do we allow this simple truth to deeply reside in the crevices of our hearts and settle into our everyday lives where it matters most?
What does it mean to live as though God IS good?
Often, we can understand these truths on the surface, but our hearts and minds have not fully embraced what this means for our current reality– that Jesus is the “light of men” and has overcome darkness, both now and in eternity!
The Goodness of God: In the Prophets
There are mornings when I open my Bible out of obedience and routine. I know I need to be in it—and deep down, I want to be in it—but like the words of Ezekiel, my bones are dry.
It happened today.
I had something I knew I needed to deal with, but my want-to just wasn’t up-to it. I considered King David’s repentant words in Psalm 51 (a frequent flier in my own battle with sin) but found myself in Ezekiel 37 instead. Can I just tell you how much I love those first 14 verses?