The King is Born: Hope in an Unexpected Arrival
As we celebrate the birth of Christ, it’s easy to become numb to the familiar message found in Matthew 1-2 and Luke 2. The nativity story is so well-known, so well-trodden, that we might wonder: What more can be said? (A lot, actually.) But perhaps the real “Behold” moment of Christmas isn’t about gaining fresh insights—it’s about the posture of our hearts. It’s about making room for Jesus in a way that transforms us.
As Was His Custom: Habits We Need… Because We’re Human- Confession
As a committed follower of Christ, I remember a season clearly in my life when I had found myself ensnared and entangled in a sin. Having given way to the enemy in my mind, I had allowed sinful thoughts to take hold, and somewhere along the way became completely incapable of finding freedom on my own. While I’d turn from the sin for a short while, the thoughts would eventually return. It was only when I shared my struggle with a trusted, godly friend that I found full freedom. I confessed my sin in humility and repentance. And I prayed for God to rescue me and my mind from that dark place. And God was faithful. He met me in my brokenness, and He set me free. The power of sin was no match for the work of the Holy Spirit in my heart and mind, activated and set free through the act of confession and repentance.
As Was his Custom: Simplicity
“A simple, humble life with peace and quiet is far better than an opulent lifestyle with nothing but quarrels and strife at home.” Proverbs 17:1 TPT
A couple of years ago my family of three moved into a tiny home (literally - 200 square feet). Let me be the first to tell you this was not my idea of a “dream house” when I was growing up and planning my future. It took lots of episodes of Tiny House Nation, Pinterest scrolling, and conversations with my husband to convince me that this lifestyle was (and is) worth pursuing. Needless to say, we have learned (and are still learning) how to do without a lot of “stuff” that we thought we previously needed.
In the culture that we live in, there is a constant expectation to always be on-the-go, to buy the newest model {insert item here}, live in the nicest house, have designer clothes, participate in the current trend, etc. Not only do we need to keep up appearances, but we also need to juggle all the things and do it perfectly - motherhood, ministry, career, marriage, faith, health, and ALL the activities that come along with those things. Social media has only increased those expectations for us.
Behold! A New Thing!
But as the preacher continued on, his words, direct from the Holy Spirit, washed over me. And the thought that popped into my head was, “Pay attention, Meg!”